Looking for the previous version of Hand2Note? Go to Hand2Note 3 Website

How to migrate from Older Versions to Hand2Note 4

The most important rule: Do NOT manually copy your Config directory. Use export and import instead.

How to Migrate from Hand2Note 3 to Hand2Note 4

1. Launch Hand2Note version 4.1.31 or higher.

2. In the main menu, go to Configuration -> Import Hand2Note 3 Config.

3. Select the folder where Hand2Note 3 is installed (usually C:/Program Files/Hand2Note).

How to Migrate from Hand2Note 4.0 Beta to Hand2Note 4.1

Step 1: Export Config and Notes from Hand2Note 4.0

Export config menu in Hand2Note 4

1. Launch Hand2Note version 4.0.150 or higher.

2. In the main menu, go to Tools -> Export Config To File.

3. Then go to Tools -> Export Notes to File.

4. Close Hand2Note 4.0.

Step 2: Import Config and Notes into Hand2Note 4.1

Import config menu in Hand2Note 4

1. Launch Hand2Note version 4.1.31 or higher.

2. In the main menu, go to Configuration -> Import Config from File.

3. Then go to Configuration -> Import Notes From File.

Step 3: Import Packages (if any)

1. Go to Configuration -> Import Package From File….

2. Select the .h2npackage file you want to import.

In both cases, you will need to create a new Hand2Note database and import your hand histories into it.


How do I log in to Hand2Note 4 with my old Hand2Note 3 email?

Register on hand2note.com using the same email you used for Hand2Note 3. Hand2Note will automatically import the statistics packages from your previous versions.

Where Should I Enter a Serial Key?

You don’t need to enter a serial key anywhere. Hand2Note 4 automatically retrieves your license information when you log in at the application startup.

How can I reduce the database size?

Hand2Note 4 offers much more detailed data in reports than previous versions, processing millions of hands in seconds. However, as a tradeoff, the database size is significantly larger—up to 10x bigger. While we plan to optimize this in the future, the reduction will be no more than 50%.

Here’s what you can do now to reduce database size:

1. Remove unused stats. Open File Explorer and delete files in the Config/Stats folder (usually located at C:/Program Files/Hand2Note 4.1/Config/Stats).

Within a week, we’ll release a feature allowing you to remove unused stats directly through the Hand2Note UI.

2. Reduce the number of threads. Go to Configuration -> Other and lower the value for Max threads to build stats.

Changing this option reduces building stats speed significantly.

3. Rebuild database.